Selected Work


Documentary & Television

Zika: Children of the Outbreak
Associate Producer
CBSN Originals, 2019

Operation Carwash
Associate Producer
60 Minutes, 2017

2016 Summer Olympics
Field Producer, CBS News
(on pollution, security, & construction)

2014 World Cup
Field Producer, CBS News
(on protests, police, & graffiti artists )

The Rabbit Hole
Field Producer
The Weekly/NYT, 2019

Rebuilding from the Wreckage
Field Producer
60 Minutes, 2017

Guilty Until Proven Guilty
Coordinating Producer
First Run Features, 2019

Stray Bullets
Field Producer
CBC (Radio Documentary), 2016


Special Reporting for “The Fairytale and the Nightmare,” written by S.L. Price, Sports Illustrated, 2017

For USA Today on Zika crisis, here and here, 2016

For Temple’s Law and Public Policy Blog, on coastal adaptation, 2021

For Jezebel on feminist organizing and street harassment, 2017

For Poynter fact-checking in Brazil

For Popula on juvenile life without parole

For RioOnWatch on housing evictions, urbanization programs, the “People’s Cup,” and more

Interviews for Paste Magazine and Americas’ Quarterly